The Outspoken Cyclist – 06/11/2011

Do you live in a city where the daily commute has the look of an organized bicycle touring event? U.S. Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-Oregon) does. And he’s not only a high profile advocate for cycling, he’s an avid practitioner This week Rep. Blumenauer shares with us his views on cycling as transportation in his home town of Portland, Oregon, in Washington, DC, and his efforts to improve the cycling climate everywhere.

Some people commute to work by bike, and some people decide that going the same place every day is too constrictive. Amaya Williams and Eric Schambion are definitely in the latter category. For the past five years, they’ve been touring the world by bicycle, having explored 85 countries, and 21 of the 50 U.S. states! We caught up with Amaya and Eric during a rare period of downtime with family in Montana. After you hear their story, you’ll want to read more at