Outspoken Cyclist – 1/16/2021

I always think of Alaska as being exotic and so far away.  I know many of you have been there, but I haven’t.  So, almost like being there, we’re going to talk with AJ Roan.

AJ writes for North of 60 Mining News and you might wonder what we’d have to talk about since his work is in mining – which is another whole topic we don’t get into a lot in our conversation.

What we DO talk about is a gentleman named Edward Jesson who lived in Alaska at the time of the Great Gold Rush. 

We’ll speak with Chris Carmichael of CTS Training Systems out in Colorado Springs in the second of our 4-part series about training.  Today we talk about cadence, how and why it’s an important indicator of your performance, and how to determine what is optimal for you.

Then, we head on over to Pittsburgh.  Yes, Browns fans, you can gloat about football, but when it comes to a great advocacy organization, I think Pittsburgh is probably at the top of the list.

Scott Bricker is the Executive Director.  We talk about how the organization managed to get through 2020 – both financially and with their programming – and what’s in store for 2021.

In 1899 Edward Jesson he was a successful businessman.  It was during the time of the insanity of the Gold Rush and thousands of people were heading to Nome, Alaska to stake a claim. It was also the beginning of the new-fangled safety bicycle – similar to what we know today.   

Edward decided to sell all his belongings, buy a bicycle – something he didn’t even know how to ride at  the time – and ride from Dawson City in the Canadian NW to Nome – 1,000+ miles.

The story that unfolded is fascinating and we’ll dive into it in a moment.

AJ Roan is a writer for the North of 60 Mining News.  If you are interested in reading his article – and who wouldn’t be? – Thousand Mile Ride from Dawson to Nome, log on to miningnewsnorth.com/story for January 1st, 2021.

Lt’s take a short break and when we come back, we’ll check in with Chris Carmichael, head coach and founder of CTS Training systems in Colorado Springs for part II of our training tips series.  You’re listening to TOC.

We are back on TOC.  I’m your host Diane Jenks.

Do you use cadence as an indicator of your pedaling performance?  Should you?  Let’s ask Chris Carmichael.  Chris knows!