The Outspoken Cyclist – 04/28/2012

As cyclists, we can sometimes get so focused on goals, equipment, advocacy, and events, that we forget how much fun is at the core of riding a bicycle.  This week’s show presses the reset button, and turns the Fun Dial up to 11, with two great interviews that speak to the joy of cycling.

First up is author Steven Rea who has written a new book: Hollywood Rides a Bike: Cycling with the Stars. Steven is also the movie critic for the Philadelphia Inquirer, and the man behind a Tumblr blog about stars on bikes. As it turns out, you’re no one in Hollywood unless you’ve been photographed on, or with a bike.

After some cycling news Diane is joined by Rob Gusky of Kimberly Clark & Amanda White of the Wisconsin Bicycle Federation. Rob and Amanda are  two of the driving forces behind the National Bike Challenge, which starts May 1st, and runs all summer. It’s free, and there are prizes. Did you hear that? Prizes just for riding your bike!