The Outspoken Cyclist – 04/27/2014

I am so lucky to be able to talk with such interesting and accomplished people each week. And, this week is no exception.

My first guest, Rod Waters, is an award willing illustrator whose new children’s book, “Eric’s Big Day – A Bicycle Race Unlike Any Other” tells the story of a young boy, his friend Emily, and a local bike race. And, Rod also has some amazing bicycle stories of his encounters with the activist Lech Walesa in Poland, a Guiness World Record that Rod holds, and his memorable trip to Kosovo with his wife.

My second guest, Collyn Ahart, has some strong ideas and opinions about women, culture, and the bicycle industry. Collyn’s background is marketing and branding, but her early years spend in the bike shop her family owns, gives her a unique perspective on bicycling and how the industry acts and reacts. Collyn’s new venture, Bowndling, is just her next iteration of unique thinking for women.