The Outspoken Cyclist – 07/23/2011

In this crazy July heat that’s blanketing the Midwestern and Eastern United States this week, we thought it’d be a great idea to go someplace cool, both literally and figuratively. So we headed to the Pacific Northwest and Portland, Oregon.

We connected with Jonathan Maus, Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Jonathan is a self-described citizen-journalist, who has been a participant, observer, and advocate in the Portland cycling community for the past five years. As you’ll hear him explain, it’s no coincidence that Portland is one of the most bike-friendly cities in the U.S. It’s taken a lot of hard work by engaged citizens who hold their civic leaders accountable.

After Diane brings us up to date on the cycling news, we leave cool, crisp Portland for the outdoor sauna that is Washington, DC in July. Our nation’s capitol is currently embroiled in a debate about how much money to spend and what to spend it on, and buried somewhere in that debate is a transportation authorization bill. We’re pleased to welcome  Sherrod Brown, U.S. Senator for Ohio, who gives us his perspective on federal transportation funding and how cycling fits into the overall picture.

I hope cycling is a part of your overall picture this week. Ride safely and enjoy this edition of The Outspoken Cyclist (but not at the same time, please).