The Outspoken Cyclist – 11/17/2012

We’re just a few days away from the U. S. holiday of Thanksgiving, which Diane and I agree is one of the best holidays ever. One of the things we are annually thankful for is the growing number of you who take time each week to listen to The Outspoken Cyclist. We hope you’ll find time and good weather during this coming holiday weekend to celebrate the gift of being on two human-powered wheels.

Aside from the good holiday wishes, we have a great show for you this week. Journalist, author, and former pro road racer Paul Kimmage joins us from Dublin, Ireland to talk about his wild ride in the wake of the Lance Armstrong scandal. Kimmage is another example of someone who has paid a heavy price for trying to expose the corruption in a sport he loves.

In the second half of the show, we head out to northern California to talk with Chris Chance, the man behind the iconic Fat City Cycles, which still claims a large and loyal group of owners and enthusiasts. This interview will clearly illustrate just how much the bicycle business has changed over the last 30 years.